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- The state of the Pulsechain ecosystem after six months of flawless operation.
The state of the Pulsechain ecosystem after six months of flawless operation.

Christmas Time in Edinburgh.
It is hard to believe that we have already reached the six month mark since the blockchain went live. We had our hopes up for a stellar rise in price and the launch of all of the projects that we had sacrificed for over the last few years.
Then came the realization that Pulsechain was not immune to the crypto wide bear market and 3 letter agencies. We struggled like every other major Layer One. When it comes to price action we stumbled. The PLS price continued to trend down for months causing the community to bring out the knives and chop each other to bits. It really was a sad state of affairs, but I for one know who the wolves in sheep’s clothing are now. Since then PLS has recovered about 50% but has yet to recover to the original sacrifice rate of .0001. My guess is that we will see that price in January as we head to the Bitcoin halving. The community will applaud the comeback and pretend that the dip at launch never happened.
How did HEX handle the Pulsechain fork? Well, eHEX and pHEX are staying near the 90% down from the all time high number in combined value. I know folks don’t seem to like it when we say combined value, but that is exactly what it is. When eHEX pumped the community screamed with Maxi thunder, “We are Back!”, and then reality set in as an unknown whale came in and pumped the price and then a month later dumped it. Like I said, “beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.” HEX on Ethereum as well as Pulsechain will do great in this bull run but I do not have my hopes up until post Bitcoin halving when the altcoin market will likely heat up.
HEX is now 100% decentralized. With just a few clicks you are on your way to an experience that is safeguarded against interference by people outside of the community.
The Pulsex DEX had such high hopes of the community. We thought we were getting a DEX with an exchange, limit orders, farms, and pools but sadly, at launch, we had many of the features we looked forward to missing. As well as some code blunders due to unaudited code. We don’t tolerate projects that have not been audited, I don’t know why we tolerated this from the Pulsex team. The price of Pulsex today reflects the attitude of a community who lost confidence. At the bottom, Pulsex was down 90% from the sac rate of .0001. I am sure there will be new features launched on Pulsex in the future. I for one have been accumulating PLSX at these absurd prices.
I have not tried the IPFS version of Pulsex yet but I heard it is also available 100% decentralized. The Richard Heart ecosystem is changing the game.
Liquid Loans
There is not much to say here since this one continues to be delayed. I have been saying for a while that I believe Liquid Loans could be the catalyst that really sparks a Pulsechain price run as people borrow against PLS. Also since all of this depends on their Fetch oracle, we will have to wait and see if the November launch happens. I will include Power City here because they are relying on Fetch to launch. They could cause a nice move in the PLSX price as people borrow against PLSX.
This week during our No Permissions Strategy call a member broke down how UPx works and I FOMO’ed into buying this token. UPx will utilize the Haunted Strategy on Liquid Loans and Powercity in its token economics. It is not often that I buy green candles but I felt this one was quality enough to take the risk.
9 Inch
A true definition of a shit show. This DEX launched with issue after issue. I for one have not enjoyed the miserable returns but it seems par for the course when a project launches on Pulsechain. I continue to hold and have my LP set in support of a team that I think will pull through this. They have learned some hard lessons here and this tends to mean that they will not repeat them in the future. At this juncture I am predominantly holding e9INCH and 50% less p9INCH as I think the biggest opportunities will be on Ethereum if they do this right.
Updates on our trip.
At this moment I am on a train speeding from Dublin, Ireland to Belfast, Ireland and now Edinburgh to London. The trip so far over the first two weeks has been quite eventful. We have met so many of the No Permissions Patreon as well as our fellow Pulsechain, HEX, and 9INCH fans. Everyone has been so friendly. It feels really good to have such a strong community spread around the world. It seems wherever we go, there is someone who reaches out to us in order to spend some time with them. We are grateful!
What is happening with NOPE Token? As I have mentioned before we will be launching as soon as we return home to Panama. Currently our return is scheduled for mid-December but sadly the protests in Panama are not subsiding so we may be forced to launch NOPE while we are in Europe. Believe me, that is not my desire, but we will if we have no choice. Sometime in early December I will send out a mass message to everyone on Patreon alerting you to the upcoming airdrop and ask you all to send me your desired address to use.
We look forward to seeing you all during the trip! Cheers to the Pulsechain community.