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  • Will Pulsechain Usher In a Pre-Bull Market for The Cryptocurrency World?

Will Pulsechain Usher In a Pre-Bull Market for The Cryptocurrency World?

My list of must do’s and don’ts for crypto folks prior to the Pulsechain launch.

Will Pulsechain Usher In a Pre-Bull Market for The Cryptocurrency World?

This week we saw a pullback for crypto favorites Bitcoin, Ethereum, and even fan favorite HEX. Once again the bears are showing that they are not done with the crypto market. Over and over again the bulls will tell you that this time the bull market will begin early. “This time it will be different”, they say.

Anyone worth their salt in crypto knows that the overall crypto bull market should begin in earnest shortly after the Bitcoin halvening which will occur around April 2024. Believe me, I don’t like being in the bear camp but being cautious in this perilous time is just plain sensical. I believe if you want to accumulate cryptocurrency for the next bull run, then July and August should be a great time to buy. I would change my mind bullish if the Aurox Indicator stays green through June for both Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Now, if we are laying our cards out. I believe we have a caveat. That is the imminent launch of Pulsechain. The most exciting thing to happen in crypto since the adoption of Uniswap in 2020, or the rise of NFT’s in 2021. I have a feeling that the people who participate in the Pulsechain ecosystem over the next year will have their own bull market prior to the true beginning of the Bitcoin and overall crypto market bull run.

My list of must do’s and don’ts for crypto folks prior to the Pulsechain launch.

  • Don’t Hold Ethereum! You only get 1 pulsechain token per 1 Ethereum. Ouch!

  • Don’t Hold Stablecoins! They will not have value on Pulsechain after the first few minutes. Look what happened with ETHPow.

  • Hold ERC20’s, like HEX ecosystem tokens, that you like in order to get a free copy on Pulsechain. Just remember HEX and the derivatives will likely take a big dip after the Pulsechain fork. Other ERC20’s likely will not dip, but their value on Pulsechain might take time to rise.

  • Once the bridge opens from Ethereum to Pulsechain, become a liquidity provider, farmer and participate in the pools on Pulsex. The decentralized exchange on Pulsechain.

  • Set up a new wallet with top notch security features like Aurox and then add a hardware wallet to it.

I Spoke To The CEO of Aurox, Giorgi Last Week. This Chat Was Amazing!

The No Permissions Patreon Consult Spots Are Filling Up Fast!

Over the last few weeks I have done around 10 consult calls as people are nervous and excited about the upcoming Pulsechain launch. If you are in the same position and would like to strategize with me personally then come on over to the No Permissions Patreon and sign up. If you would like to pay with cryptocurrency please reach out to me on Telegram or at [email protected]. Also, do not forget that I host a No Permissions Patreon strategy call every Thursday and you can ask whatever questions you want. If I don’t know the answer, maybe someone in the group will.

Aurox Indicator Update For April 29th, for The No Permissions Newsletter.